love is art made public ❝ A true friend was someone with a sixth sense. Someone who could read the silences between your words and always knew precisely what to say when you were on the verge of a poor decision. Someone who would show up with a bottle of wine and a shoulder to lean on before even you knew that was what you needed. ❞

« be alright gdr »
"There’s more to life than stupid boys!" - Stranger Things (2016-)
© Sidebar by Amphetamines'

love is art made public ♥ be alright private gdr

feds • federica, 20. photoshop&tvshows addicted, always tired and hyper ▵ cams • carmen, 23, in love with fictional characters, books&music, awkward.
be alright private gdr ☽ active since may the 20th 2012, born by the hands of cams and feds.
You are all the places you have been, the sights you have seen and every soul you have touched. Each passing moment is another brushstroke on the canvas. So rise, live always with passion and heart, and someday you will look back on your life and see a work of art. ♡
Your body is not a temple. Temples can be destroyed and desecrated. Your body is a forest, thick canopies of maple trees and sweet scented wildflowers sprouting in the underwood. You will grow back, over and over, no matter how badly you are devastated.


florence pugh (born january 3, 1996) is an english actress, she made her professional acting debut in the mystery film the falling and gained recognition for her leading role in the independent drama lady macbeth.

love is art made public ♥ be alright private gdr © born on: may 2012 by feds and cams; il forum è sotto copyright, la grafica è interamente creata da noi, come le targhette e le gif in tabella. per la sidebar si ringrazia Amphetamines' e per la tabella home melody.; le immagini sono state prese da tumblr, non prelevare niente senza il nostro consenso. per qualunque problema o informazione, contatteteci x

No roots skin is made by #fishbone for Fuckyeah.
Thanks to: freepik, flaticon